Multimedia & Managing News Websites Training

About this Lesson

Judd Slivka
Assistant Professor, Convergence Journalism, Missouri School of Journalism, University of Missouri

There’s a saying that “the best camera is the one you have with you,” and current media activities certainly confirm that. More and more media are outfitting their journalists with equipment based on mobile phones. That potential increase of content – along with curating news and using podcasts and the like – can be difficult to manage without a workflow and clearly defined pipeline to get it published. To wrangle all that content, you’re going to need a solid management structure.

What you will learn

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • List the advantages and challenges of mobile journalism
  • Identify how the mobile kit overcomes the limitations of mobile journalism
  • Identify what kind of apps work best for mobile journalism
  • Describe production strategies to manage multimedia content
  • Explain how podcasts, feeds and curated content can increase your reach and range
  • Develop a staff structure that can keep manage and publish all that content.

How the lesson works

First of all, this is an asynchronous lesson unit, which means no live events are scheduled for this lesson. You can complete learning activities at your own pace whenever is convenient for you. Despite the asynchronous nature, the learning tasks are organized to help you succeed.

To be successful in this unit, please complete the following tasks:

• Watch the lecture.
• Take the quiz to test your own understanding.  This will help you to strengthen the concepts you just learned.
Optional: Due to the amount of content to be covered in a single unit, we encourage you read these additional resources. Some of the quiz questions might come from the readings in Additional Resources section.

Watch the Lecture



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 Take the Quiz


Direction: Some of the questions might from the readings in Additional Resources below


Click on the Launch button to start

Lesson Resources

Lecture Script: Download it here

Printable Quiz: Multimedia and Managing News Websites

ASNE Classroom Resources

Lessons: Multimedia and Managing News Websites

Additional Resources

Glen Mulcahy, RTE:  “The RTE Mobile Journalism CheatSheet” (CQ)

Colin Mulvany, Mastering Multimedia: “Busting Through the Newsroom Silos

Travis McMillen and Reuben Stern, Reynolds Journalism Institute: “Futures Lab Update No. 65: Multimedia Reporting with Mobile Devices

Alex Remington, Reynolds Journalism Institute: “How Do We Improve Online News Design to Help Readers Better Understand Stories?

Laura Hazard Owen, Nieman Lab: “How 7 News Organizations Are Using Slack to Work Better and Differently

Lauren Rabaino, FishbowlNY: “How to Run a News Site and Newspaper Using WordPress and Google Docs

Sunil Saxena: “How to Move from Print to Multimedia Newsroom

Poynter NewsU: “Leading an Online Newsroom: What You Need to Know

David Brewer, Media Helping Media: “Creating a Converged News Operation


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