Reynolds High School Journalism Institute Online Training



Welcome to the ASNE Reynolds High School Journalism Institute Online Training. We hope the Institute will inspire and reinvigorate you to return to the classroom ready to enhance your student media programs!

Completing the online training before you attend the Institute is required and will help you benefit more from this professional development experience. The online training contains many supplemental resources to use in your classroom and to help you manage your teaching responsibilities.

As part of the online training, you participate in an online discussion forum at where you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, ask questions and share resources. Get started now and meet teachers from across the nation who are excited about student journalism!

We are offering a Webinar on copyright, libel/defamation and student press law presented by Frank LoMonte of the Student Press Law Center. Past participants tell us this presentation is one of the highlights of the Institute. Please choose to attend the Webinar on June 11 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. EDT or on June 15 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. EDT. Each Webinar covers the same materials. If you are unable to attend, you are required to view the recorded session.

We hope each of you will aspire to the highest standards of the scholastic journalism profession. The Journalism Education Association has developed Standards for Journalism Educators and Model Guidelines (job description) to help you better understand your role as a journalism adviser.


This module has important information necessary for completing the other modules. The remaining modules are listed in the recommended order, but may be completed in the order you wish.

What is News?

Journalism Ethics

Responsibilities of Journalists: Scholastic Press Rights and Law

Generating Story Ideas

Reporting and Interviewing


Style, Editing and Headlines

Social Media and Digital Tools

Photography and Captions

Videography and Capturing Audio

Newspaper and Yearbook Design

Multimedia and Managing News Websites



News Literacy

Audience Engagement and Social Media Plan



Investigative Journalism, Computer Assisted Reporting and Data Visualization

Polls and Surveys


CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (optional) (resources, sample manuals and rubrics, discussion and sharing opportunities)

Coaching and Motivating Students

Fundraising, Advertising and Marketing

Grading and Assessment

Staff Recruiting, Organization and Management


MORE RESOURCES (optional resources)

Careers in Journalism