Feature Writing Lesson Plans

ASNE Lesson Plans for Feature Writing

Day One
Feature Writing Lesson – Day One
Feature Writing PowerPoint – Day One
Feature Story Prompter

Day Two
Feature Writing Lesson – Day Two
Feature Writing PowerPoint – Day Two
Feature Story Planner

Other Lesson Plans

  • Feature Writing: Where do I begin? Writing an effective feature story
    A unit that explores the writing of the feature story in-depth and looks at the different types of feature stories — profiles, backgrounders, etc. Students write a draft and a final paper as part of the unit.
  • Observation
    How to teach students to use all five senses to gather detail for a feature story.
  • Basic Feature Interviewing
    Teaching student reporters to develop skills to interview for details, anecdotes and quotes for feature stories.
  • Finding Compelling Stories in your Community
    Teach your students to find compelling stories in their community.
  • Generating Feature Ideas
    Recognizing a feature story isn’t the same as coming up with one. This lesson helps students brainstorm ideas based on the news.
  • Feature Writing: Finding Significance in the Lives Around You
    The goal of this project is to expose students to nonfiction that reports emotional experience and transcends the conventions of news writing. Students will report and write their own features.